Friday, March 25, 2011

Word Processing "Keyboard Shortcuts"

These are some of my favorite keyboard shortcuts when I'm working in MS Word - Word Processing - they can really help to save time…

  • Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V = Cut, Copy and Paste respectively. These work in virtually every Windows program. Learn them, use them, save LOTS of time and mousing around in the Edit menu.
  • Ctril+A=Select All, which highlights you entire document-whether 1 page or 1,000 pages so you can make changes quickly and easily to your entire document
  • Ctrl+B = Apply Bold. Highlight text then click Ctrl+B...and it’s bold.
  • Ctrl+I = Apply Italic. Same idea as adding bold, except it adds italic instead.
  • Ctrl+Y = Repeat the last action. Say you just added a row to a table. Click Ctrl+Y and add another one. Keep doing it and add a whole bunch of them.
  • Ctrl+spacebar = remove all local formatting. If text looks weird, it could be because you may have inadvertently added something. It's also good consistency. You can make sure that the only formatting you're applying is the stuff you've set up in your styles.
  • Shift+F3 = Toggles case. If you know people who type in all upper case - Yikes-how aggravating!!! So just use Shift+F3 to switch case from UPPER, lower, and Initial Caps.
  • Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End = Move to the top and bottom of a document, respectively.
  • F8 + arrow keys = Select text. Sometimes selecting large bodies of text with the mouse is a big pain. Use F8 in conjunction with the arrow keys or Page Up and Page Down keys to select it more easily.

Remember if you have favorites that you use all the time, let us know what they are so we can share them with your fellow students... in the meantime - enjoy!!

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