Sunday, July 3, 2011


By Suzanne Kantra, (July 2011)

Wanted to be sure you didn't miss this great article, which was posted on the following website... some great tips to help with taking awesome photos of fireworks-have a safe & happy 4th of July holiday...


Heading out with the family for HOLIDAY fireworks celebrations is a time-honored tradition. And, if you're like me, you enjoy capturing those memories in pictures. But photographing fireworks with no camera shake and proper exposure is difficult, unless you know these simple tricks.

1. Use a tripod
When you take picture of fireworks, the camera needs to hold the shutter open long enough to “see” the fireworks. The longer the shutter is open, the more susceptible your photo is to motion blur. So use a tripod to make sure there’s no movement. For open areas, use a stand-alone model with telescoping legs like the Dolica AX620B100 Proline ($36 on A more mobile option is the Joby Gorillapod original ($19.95 on, which can wrap around trees and poles or stand up on the ground.

2. Use the “fireworks” scene mode
Most point-and-shoot cameras have a button or dial with “SCN” or “Scene” on it. Otherwise you’ll find it under the “menu” button. When you put your camera in scene mode, a list of the available modes will pop up on screen. Select the one that looks like a spray of fireworks and/or says "fireworks". Most cameras sold today have a "fireworks" option for scenes. Some models I recommend include the Canon PowerShot A3300IS (an affordable 16MP camera with a 5x lens, $179 on, Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3 (an extremely rugged 12MP camera, $399 on and the Fujifilm FinePix HS20 (a 16MP camera with a monster 30x wide-angle lens, $425 on

3. If your camera doesn’t have a “fireworks” mode, put it in “landscape” mode
Your camera automatically tries to find an object on which to focus. And when presented with a black featureless sky, the camera doesn’t know what to do. By putting your camera in “landscape” mode, you’ll be presetting the focus to infinity and narrowing the lens opening, which keeps both near and far objects in focus.

4. Turn off the flash
Turning your flash off will let the camera know that it only has available light to take a picture. This is important because the camera will then keep the shutter open long enough to capture the fireworks. The flash button is usually a separate button on the back of the camera. On some cameras, you can’t turn off the flash unless you put it in a scene mode or program mode (P).

5. Turn down the ISO
High ISO will crank up the sensitivity of the camera so it can see details in the dark. However, the fireworks themselves are quite bright. So, to avoid overexposure and reduce film noise, take your camera out of Auto ISO and change the setting to ISO 100 or even lower. The ISO setting is usually found under the main menu. You may have to put your camera in program mode to change this setting.

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