Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Typing Tutorial Websites

How can I improve my typing skills? a question we hear quite often.. 

Like the piano - it's simply a matter of practice, but remember this isn't crucial - lots of our famous authors and reporters spent their entire careers "pecking away" and did very well...   Now if you are getting ready to take a typing test that's a different story, but I doubt that most of us are worried about that...

But if you think you'd like to improve your typing skills - speed, accuracy or both - you don't have to run out and purchase an application software program - there are wonderful FREE websites that can help you with this new goal - here are "hyperlinks" to some of our favorite typing tutorial websites, so check them out...

Note-some sites will ask you if you want the "tutorial" for a "QWERTY" or "DVORAK" keyboard-ours in the classroom, as are most keyboards, are "QWERTY" style...  

Not sure what the difference is - check out our blog posting pack in November 2009 about these two types of keyboards

Free Typing tutorial websites:

Enjoy and Good Luck

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