Saturday, February 20, 2010

Organize Files & Folders on your Computer

WINDOWS EXPLORER shows you where all your files are on your computer – an easy way to access this is to hold down the Windows Flag key + Tap “E” on your keyboard using the same “folder system” you would in a “filing cabinet”. Folders and sub-folders are "containers" to store files (documents, picutres, videos, movies, music etc). Every item named on a computer is a file and files are sorted into foldder, sub-folders and sub-sub-folders, which you create and name.

Some of the standard folders/drawers that Windows creates are: My Documents, My Music, My Pictures & My Videos. In Windows Vista & Windows 7, the word “My” has been dropped….They get their names from the fact that you use them as follows:
  • My Documents: Use this folder to store other types of documents you save, such as typed text or spreadsheets
  • My Music: Use this folder to store music you copy to your computers
  • My Pictures: Use this folder to store pictures, such as those you get from a camera or scanner, or from the Internet
  • My Videos: Use this folder to store videos, such as those you get from a video camera, emails or from the Internet
  • Windows Explorer Is The Computers “Filing Cabinet” Allowing You To Quickly & Easily Move And Or Copy Item (S) From One Folder And Or Drive To Another
  • The Windows Explorer Screen Is Divided Into Two Sections/Panes: Left & Right And Divided With Separator Bar
  • Windows Explorer for Windows 95 thru XP Uses Plus (+) And Minus (-) Signs To Display Or Close What Is In A Folder; Windows Vista & Windows 7 use the common Arrow signs
  • Whatever Is Highlighted On The Left Pane Is What You Are Looking At On The Right Side Of The Screen

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