Friday, May 28, 2010

Fun websites for May

It's Memorial Day Weekend and we thought you'd enjoy checking out a favorite Memorial Day website with lots of helpful information about the holiday and th way it is celebrated.. enjoy

When I want to know which websites are “Hot” – we can always check out

which we’ve been talking about for a few years now and is on our favorite list..

Another favorite website to visit that lists their opinion of the top “100 websites” is:

Want to travel from the comfort of home, then check out web cams all over the world, including spring tulip farms in Holland, the oil spill in the gulf, cape cod beaches, the Eiffel Tower and many many more:

So check them out - and if you have a favorite website you'd like us to share with everyone - just send it to me and remember to save websites you visit to your favorite or bookmark list so they are easy to visit again in the future..

Enjoy the Internet - where we can learn & explore anytime - anywhere…

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