Thursday, September 30, 2010

Websites to help verify information..

These are great websites that will help you find out if stories are true – whether it’s information about when and how often to “defrag your computer” to a scare about certain viruses and other technology stuff:

Snopes and BreaktheChain ( and are great websites for tracking annoying chain letters and occasional Facebook-related scares. Before I pass stories or information on to anyone, I always check it out first at one of these websites and recommend the sites to friends & family when they send me “misinformation”…

HowStuffWorks ( has a special "tech myths" section that deals specifically with some of the more popular misconceptions in the tech world.

PCWorld Forums ( worth visiting – a forum is a website where users with an interest in a specific topic (in this case computers) gather to share stories and advice. You ask the question and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the quantity and quality of your answers.. A great resource..

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