Thursday, May 19, 2011

Websites to find new font style designs - free

What’s a font you ask?? Fonts are the design style of what we type – letters, numbers, characters… and there are countless design styles to choose from and new ones being developed as we speak…

Over the years many of us have made the mistake of “purchasing” software so that we could add more font design style choices to our computers – or we have downloaded thousands and then wondered why our word processing program was running so slowly….

Personally I enjoy using different fonts when I’m creating maybe a new invitation or writing a story or new flyer or designing a new power point presentation… Instead of installing all of them to my computer, I have a list of websites in my favorites – in a folder named free fonts – that I then visit when I’m looking for a new font style design… here they are in alphabetical order.. once I find a few that I’d like to try, then I download them…

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