Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Safelink - A free cell phone for seniors

You may want to check out “SAFELINK” wireless which is offered to seniors for free – many of our students have taken advantage of this program, so check it out… It is a very basic phone, but wonderful to have in an emergency…

This is the link to their website…

This is the initial introduction made on their webpage – so once again, check it out…

SAFELINK WIRELESS® service is U.S. government supported program for Income eligible households provided by TracFone Wireless, Inc. In order to participate in the SAFELINK WIRELESS® service, persons must meet certain eligibility requirements set by each State where the service is to be provided. These requirements are based on a person’s participation in a state or Federal support programs or by meeting the Income Poverty Guidelines as defined by the U.S. Government. SAFELINK WIRELESS® service is limited to one person per household

For those of you who already have a Safelink cell phone, remember to leave the phone on the first 3 days of the month so that you get your minutes – and if you forget to leave your phone on, your minutes are there waiting for you - to retrieve them to your phone, follow these simple steps...

You may retrieve your Monthly Minutes by following these instructions:
1. Press the MENU key.
2. "Prepaid" will be displayed across your screen.
3. Press OK or SELECT.
4. Go to "Redeem Airtime" or “Add Airtime."
5. Press OK or SELECT.
6. If your screen displays a message, go down and press OK until you see “Card #” or “Airtime PIN.”
7. Enter 555 and press OK.
8. If you are prompted for a promo code, press NO.

You will receive your Minutes shortly.

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