Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What do the SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS (SSN's) mean in the United States?

SSN's are not assigned consecutively; the first was not the lowest number, and the most recent is not the highest. They are assigned regionally and in batches.

SSN's are nine-digits and has been issued in more than 400 million different sequences. SSN's are divided into three parts:
  1. Area numbers
  2. Group numbers
  3. Serial numbers

Area numbers - The first three numbers originally represented the state in which a person first applied for a Social Security card. Numbers started in the northeast and moved westward - Since 1972, the SSA has assigned numbers and issued cards based on the ZIP code in the mailing address provided on the original application form. Because most people today receive SSNs as infants, the area number indicates the state we were born in.

Group numbers - These two middle digits, which range from 01 through 99, are simply used to break all the SSNs with the same area number into smaller blocks, which makes administration easier. (The SSA says that, for administrative reasons, group numbers issued first consist of the odd numbers from 01thru 09, and then even numbers from 10 through 98, within each area number assigned to a state. After all the numbers in group 98 of a specific area have been issued, the even groups 02 through 08 are used, followed by odd groups 11 through 99.)

Serial numbers - Within each group designation, serial numbers -- the last four digits in an SSN -- run consecutively from 0001 through 9999. Although SSNs are issued in some order, there is no simple way to tell a person's age based on his Social Security number.

Here is a listing of how the Area Numbers are assigned:
001-003 NH
004-007 ME
008-009 VT
010-034 MA
035-039 RI
040-049 CT
050-134 NY
135-158 NJ
159-211 PA
212-220 MD
221-222 DE
223-231 VA
691-699 VA
232-236 WV
232 NC
237-246 NC
681-690 NC
247-251 SC
654-658 SC
252-260 GA
667-675 GA
261-267 FL
589-595 FL
268-302 OH
303-317 IN
318-361 IL
362-386 MI
387-399 WI
400-407 KY
408-415 TN
756-753 TN
416-424 AL
425-428 MS
587-588 MS
752-755 MS
429-432 AR
676-679 AR
433-439 LA
659-665 LA
440-448 OK
449-467 TX
627-645 TX
486-477 MN
478-485 IA
486-500 MO
501-502 ND
503-504 SD
505-508 NE
509-515 KS
516-517 MT
518-519 ID
520 WY
521-524 CO
650-653 CO
525,585 NM
648-649 NM
526-527 AZ
600-601 AZ
528-529 UT
646,647 UT
530,680 NV
531-539 WA
540-544 OR
545-573 CA
602-626 CA
574 AK
575-576 HI
750-751 HI
577-579 DC
580 VI
580-584 PR
596-599 PR
586 GU
586 AS

For more information about Social Security Numbers - how and when they began and how the use of the numbers have changed over the years, check out this website...

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