Monday, February 3, 2014

New Series Begins the Week of February 10th - So join us

Reminder that our next series begins one week from today on February 10th
and will continue until the week of May 5th...

During this series, no classes will be held the weeks of
  • Monday-Friday, Feb 17 - Feb 21st, 2014 February/Winter Break
  • Monday-Friday, Apr 21 - Apr 25th, 2014 April/Spring Break
Your dates & times will remain the same as the series that is just finishing.  If however, you need to make a change or know of anyone who would like to join our classes, please speak to Denise Moloney as soon as possible.

For those of you who have completed the Beginner and Internet series, we will be introducing some new topics which many of you have asked for during this new series, including:
·       Cloud Computing
·       Review of Microsoft & Google email features
·       Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram
·       Media Players &Music Basics
·       Wi-Fi, Getting on Line without Cables
·       Online Security updates & changes
·       Online Shopping & using Pay Pal...

As always we welcome and encourage your feedback as to how we might improve this program and if there are topics you would like us to be discussing...

These are your classes, so speak up!!!

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