Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to convert music to MP3 format?

How can I change my iTunes or other music, to MP3 format so that I can insert them when I am creating a photo video in Movie Maker or Picasa Movies?

This is very easy and a very common question - whether your are using a PC with windows software or a MAC. When we purchase and download music from various vendors or when we rip them CD's, they typically come over the “fullest” version.

However when we want to create a project, using software such as Picasa Movie and or Windows Movie Maker, many of these application programs will not allow us to use the “fullest” version of the music because it is too large.

So when we open the music files from these programs, although we know the songs are there, we don’t see them - the file appears to be empty; so we need to change/convert the music to MP3 format, which all these programs accept - follow these steps:
  • Simply open your iTunes or media player
  • Be sure on the left you have chosen music as the media folder you want to see, and then find the album or individual song you want to convert to “MP3 format”..
  • Highlight the song/songs that you want to convert in the playlist
  • Go to the menu bar: in Windows choose Edit and on a Mac/iTunes – Choose iTunes
  • When the menu bar drops down, choose Preferences,
  • When the Preferences Dialog Box Opens, be sure you are on the General tab
  • Now Choose Import Settings (about the center of the dialog box-right side)
  • When the Import Settings Dialog Box opens, Change AAC Encoder to MP3 Encoder
  • Also be sure High Quality is chosen and then click OK
Now, be sure your songs are highlighted that you want to change
  • Right Click on the songs and when the action menu list appears, choose MP3 Version
  • You’ll see the songs being converted
  • You are done..
  • Next time you open the music folder from Picasa or Movie Maker you will see the songs as MP3 format and be able to include them in your video..
  • You will now have 2 versions of every song – the original “full” version and the more condensed MP3 version

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