Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to Record Audio Narration in PowerPoint 2010?

Q: I've just prepared a power point slide show for Thanksgiving but want to add narration about our family on the slides, instead of having music - how can I do this - I'm using PowerPoint 2010.

A: This is much easier than you might think (just a little more time consuming but well worth it) and although it is something we've been able to do for many years in PowerPoint, it's so much easier now in Office 2007 & 2010.. Just follow the following steps:

First, be sure that your microphone is working and I always set my volume to the highest setting, because I know I can always slide it down when I'm actually doing the presentation - but if I record it too "low" I can't increase the volume. move it up... If your microphone isn't built into your computer or laptop, be sure that the plug is in securely.

  • Open you PowerPoint Presentation (either one you've done that is completed or finish a new slide show).
  • Go to “Slide show” tab, then choose “Record slide show” under the “set up” section.
  • Choose 1) entire slide or 2) select the individual slide where you want Audio “Narration” to begin, from “Record Slide Show” options to add narration..
  • Select “Narration and Laser Pointer” check box, when Record Slide Show Dialog box appears (versus Slide and Animation Timings)
  • Whether you want slides to move forward automatically with a specific time that you have chosen and asset or move to the next slide manually, either of these simply select or deselect “Slide and Animation Timings”
  • Now choose “Start Recording” button and speak clearly into your microphone – If you need to stop in between for any reason, click “Pause” and then when you are ready to continue, click “Resume”
  • And if you are going to insert “narration” on individual slides, (versus across all) then you would simply to have repeat these steps on each and every slide...
  • When you are done, right-click on the slide, and click “End Show” to end the slide show recording..
Now when you preview your presentation you will hear the “Audio Narration” you have added to your slide/slides - Success...

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