Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to Scan Photos Using Picasa

In our last blog posting, we described how to scan photos and documents to your computer using Picasa. Picasa is Google’s Free photo editing software – if you don’t have this on your computer, you can go to and download it)..

Scanning allows us to save our photos and/or documents onto our computers in “digital format”. Most all-in-one printers today have built in scanners, but we often hear they are confusing to use. So, for an easy option, Picasa might be the right choice for you…

Once you get going, you'll find that you can easily scan 50-60 or more photos in an hour (and this is true whether you use Picasa, your scanner's software or your operating system software such as Windows Photo Gallery, so it’s a great winter or rainy day project… And it’s wonderful to know that those old family photos won’t be lost.. Here's how:

  • Be sure your computer and printer/scanner are on
  • Open your “Picasa” application software program
  • Always scan just one “1” photo or one “1” document at a time
  • Put the photo on the glass of the scanner – face down
  • In Picasa, click ‘Import’
  • Click the arrow for the drop down list of devices. You'll see your scanner listed, select it
  • Each scanner shows a different screen, but I believe all have an option to "Preview"
  • Click the "Preview" option and now you'll see your photo
  • If you want to crop the photo you can do it now or save the entire photo & crop later
  • Once you're happy with, Click the button to Scan
  • When it’s done scanning, you’re back at the standard Picasa Import screen
  • Click Import all
  • Select or create a folder to put it in
  • I usually name mine: "Scan & today's date - i.e. Scan 2011.11.2"
  • Now my first and subsequent photos scanned today will go in that folder
  • Tomorrow I would create a new folder & name it with the correct date
  • This way I can either name each individual photo or number them 1, 2, 3 etc..
  • Once the photos are in the folder you want, you can certainly export them to your 'My Picture/Picture drawer - in whatever folder you want them in"

Tip: Once you have completed your scanning for the day, some of the Picasa forums recommend that you use Picasa’s Batch Edit command, and choose “I’m Feeling Lucky” and “Sharpen” to all of the photos in the “Old Photos-Today’s Date” that you just created… you can always open this again later to do individual editing of each photo you’ve now saved on your computer..

Note: In our classrooms, the Scanner is hooked up to one specific computer, so that is where your photos will be saved. Once they are in your specific folder, and if you want to move them to another computer in the classroom or your home computer, simply copy the entire scan folder you just created to your flash/removeable drive and then copy them to the computer of your choice...

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